Christmas 2023


Basically a day-after pill I think they only sell to New Mexico residents so might be hard to get
Rick and Morty character that brings Rick his stick of butter. Probably doesn't include sentience or motors but still fun
flying orb ball
Rick and Morty shirt XL
raspberry pi (small computer) controlled car that can be remote controlled and/or programmed to chase cats. The following 2 items are the parts I'm missing for the kit
robocar frame and wheels
motor controllers
longer range bluetooth
cheap printer, I print very little, but it does come in handy
tesla coil electric lighter, no fuel needed, just battery charge
fancy cheese slicer
Project to automate filling my water distiller. Parts needed for the project:
ultrasonic range finder need (2)
water valve
overflow water sensor in case other methods fail to stop flooding.
universal handcuff key to start my life of crime
poopin AT walker shirt XL light blue. Please select light blue, the link doesn't take you there silly internet