Charlie Brown had an arch nemesis of the kite eating tree, I'm thinking the more modern equivalent is now the drone eating tree.

It's a little hard to see, but the drone ended up pointing straight up. I tried to coax the bird to just knock it down for me, but the bastard just ignored me. I left the image high resolution because you can barely see it here when reducing the size. Following is the takeoff video that shows the angry tree up close.

When I took off it was really overcast. I guess that affects the gps which not knowing where the drone is, it limited the height to 100 feet. Which is bad, because there are trees around me higher than 100 feet. I thought I should just land to see why it's only 100 feet, but I moved it from the launch point and stupidly landed in a tree:

Previously, I landed in a tree in my yard, but it was only about 40 feet up, and I could recover it by climbing on my roof. This tree is my neighbor's yard and about 60-70 feet up. I tried throwing tennis balls, but I don't have the muscles to reach over 30 feet. I looked online for recovering a drone this way and they suggested using a pvc pipe and and an elastic launcher, but it sounded like a less effienct bow and arrow set. So I bought a bow and arrow set and drilled a hole in the arrow and tied a kite string to the arrow.

I set up my phone to video tape my attempts thinking it would be hilarious to reach the tree, but the phone shut down and didn't show the about 20 atttempts I tried before I got frustrated. I did reach the tree about 6 times, and the kite string would get tangled and let me wiggle branches, which is what I was hoping for, if I could get to the branch holding the drone. I was usually about 3 feet short, and I'm not exactly in shape to do a bunch of bow and arrow shots, so I took a break.

After I came back, I toook one shot and missed the branch by about 3 inches to the left, so it tangled in a branch in front of the branch the drone was stuck in. I thought , so close, and started to pull the arrow back to try again. But when it pulled back and then broke part of that branch, it swung back, hit the branch where the drone was stuck and set it free to drop.

The drone isn't exactly designed to drop from 60 feet, and land on its extended arms that hold the propellers, so one leg did pop off. But fortunately, the wires were still good and I was able to just screw it back it. One srew was stripped and I had to replace with a bigger one but no big deal. Also, I noticed later the plastic had a hairline crack on the front arm on top, but a little super glue and it's back to flying.

Assuming 60 feet up, free fall equation is.  s = 1/2(g)(t^2)
  s - distance
  g - gravity 32ft/sec^2
  t - time to fall in seconds

  so t= sqrt(2s/g)
     t= sqrt( 2 * 60 / 32 )
     t=1.936 seconds


  v - velocity in ft/sec
  g - gravity 32ft/sec^2
  t - time in sec

  so speed of impact falling from 60 feet is:
  32 * 1.936 = 62 ft/sec which is 42 mph.  

Since the drone is capable of 25mph, I guess it went over the speed limit and that's what broke it.